Happy, healthy, fun. Not exactly the most common words to describe aging.
Not for the faint of heart, growing older is not a choice; it’s a reality. However, in many ways, how you choose to grow older is up to you.
Maggie Comey, our tap dance instructor at NCCOA’s Fernandina Beach Senior Life Center, is now on her 8th session. Each class runs from 8-12 weeks, culminating in a fully choreographed performance with costumes and music. A former member of the precursor of Radio City Music Hall’s Rockettes – the Roxyettes – Maggie spent most of her time at home…alone. That changed close to 4 years ago when an opportunity presented itself. We needed an experienced tap teacher, and she volunteered. Maggie’s quote is the headline of this column. Now in her 90s, she has a new lease on life. People count on her, her brain and body are active once again, and life is fun. (By the way, Maggie’s next session starts on Monday, November 14, from 2-3 p.m., in Fernandina Beach.)
This is the first of what we hope to be many columns, penned by those affiliated with Nassau County Council on Aging (NCCOA). Our goal is to present the unvarnished truth of aging, known all too well by our own senior community. In Nassau County, seniors comprise close to 30% of our population. Some of these folks live at or below the poverty level, some depend on NCCOA for food and transportation, and others seek us out for wellness activities.
These are just a few of the benefits provided by NCCOA, an organization started in 1974 by a small group dedicated to helping seniors in our local community. Since that time, we have grown into a full-service agency that defies the stereotypical image of aging. As a matter of fact, “Council on Aging” is a misnomer. We are a source of happy, healthy fun – no matter what your age.
Here are a few topics we’ll share with you in the coming weeks and months:
- Train your brain
- How to speak to your doctor
- Aging in place successfully
- Caring for the caregiver
Check out our current Senior Life magazine for lots of information you can use today. We’d also love to hear from you! Send your feedback to happyhealthyseniors@nassaucountycoa.org or call 904-261-0701. We’re all in this together.