February 15, 2024 marks the date Nassau County Council on Aging turns 50 years YOUNG. Since George Crady founded our organization in a tiny office off Centre Street in Fernandina Beach, NCCOA has kept pace with the growing and changing needs of our local seniors. We are incredibly proud of how we’ve answered the community’s call, capitalizing on opportunities and overcoming challenges along the way. And, of course, all of our success is achieved with remembrance of the past, focus on the present and an eye to the future. It’s truly a storied history that confirms the belief that time speeds up when you’re doing something worthwhile.
Time flies when…your mission is to serve others.
From Day One, your Council on Aging has worked diligently to fill the gaps in what seniors need and what the community offers. In terms of nutrition, home care and transportation, we covered these bases with Meals on Wheels, “How can we help?” and the Care-a-Van. And, it turns out these needs are ever-present. Over our half-century, programs and services have morphed to keep up with the times, and this still rings true today. Given the challenge – whether fiscal shortfall, facility growing pains or full-fledged pandemic – NCCOA’s mantra is operating the business as usual – or as normal as possible.
Time flies when…your community is both suburban and “small town.”
Nassau County’s story can be described as “a tale of two counties.” As in Charles Dickens’ novel, A Tale of Two Cities, “it was the best of times, it was the worse of times” in London and Paris on the eve of the American and French Revolutions. Our county is known for its eastside and westside, and everything in between; the demographic size and scale dictates program and service offerings. Throughout our 50-year history, Nassau County’s senior population has increased 800% throughout our half-century history. In 1974, Nassau County’s total population was 26,300, with 3,000 (11%) being seniors. Today, our county has grown to close to 96,000 residents, with 27,000 (30%) seniors; of this number, approximately 15%-20% live alone. That percentage grows year after year, as does the number of seniors who need assistance with nutrition, home care and transportation, to name just a few of the requirements.
Time flies when…your clients are our greatest generation.
The seniors of today have seen the best and worst of our country…and the world. Many served in the military and made a promise to the American people to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Knowing that our military is an all-volunteer organization, that’s a huge commitment. Our seniors have lived through the Depression, several large-scale wars and conflicts, a presidential assassination and several attempts, space race disasters, September 11th…and the list goes on. Challenges make you stronger; but seniors still need our help and support. Without our greatest generation, what would our country – and the world – look like today?
So, we’re turning the corner toward a new year – NCCOA’s 50th anniversary year. Based on our history, the next 50 are bound to be mission minded, community centric and generationally great. Plan to join us as we celebrate our golden milestone at the Salute to Seniors 50th Anniversary Gala on Saturday, January 20, 2024, 6-10 pm, at The Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island.