Recently renamed the “Janice Ancrum Senior Life Center,” our Life Center in Fernandina Beach features a full calendar of programs and services for seniors — and adults of all ages. This includes congregate meals; health, nutrition and wellness clinics; socialization opportunities; classes, workshops and presentations; media lounge and café; computer lab; health & fitness, arts & crafts and game rooms; and lending library. Space is also available for rental.
Thanks to local residents and the State of Florida, a major renovation of our Westside Senior Life Center is complete to meet the growing needs of Nassau County seniors. A state-of-the-art facility — including a large community room for educational, wellness and socialization opportunities; modern commercial kitchen for expanded nutrition program; and staff office space to accommodate case management services — will help increase seniors served from 1,500 to 3,000 in the coming years. In addition, space is available for rental. Meals on Wheels, Home Health and NassauTRANSIT services are also available to westside seniors.